

Use our mortgage calculators to estimate how much you can borrow. We’ve designed these calculators to give you a better insight into how the lenders will view your loan application.

The information provided by the calculator is intended to provide illustrative examples based on the stated assumptions of your input. Results are a guide only and do not constitute financial advice or any guarantee that you will be approved for a loan by a lender.

You should always discuss your individual circumstances with a representative of Sapphire Finance Brokerage before placing your deposit or purchasing any property.
When we help you with your borrowing needs, we consider you to be a client for life. We want you to be confident that you are working with professionals who have your best interests in mind now and in the long term.

We have many years of experience in finance and professional mortgage broking. Our aim is to find you the best loan for your needs, and to make the process as simple and transparent as possible.

Please get in touch with us today.
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